Got Questions?
The expert services provided are for both plaintiff and defense. Often times multiple parties are identified as potential targets in fire or other events causing damage. The same expertise applied to plaintiff related cases are applied to defense. The unique experience I bring to the investigation often reveals the truth regarding how an event actually occurred.
Yes, but none with the “hands on” experience I can provide. I was an employee for 28 years working in the field full time. Most individuals currently consulting were business men who had all of the day to day business operations as their primary responsibility.
I have been a Certified Chimney Sweep since 1986. I was #43 in the country to receive my F.I.R.E. Certfied chimney inspector certification when the NFPA 211 intrpduced inspection procedures in 2000. I am an NFI Master Hearth Professional obtaining certification for wood burning, pellet fuel burning and gas burning hearth products. Click here for my full CV.
I have been a licensed chimney sweep for 28 years having personally served well over 30,000 clients in the process.
One More Question?
Please don’t hesitate to reach out. I regularly speak to law firms, attorneys, and insurance companies to help navigate them through anything from complex subrogation cases to straightforward reconstruction estimates.
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